Osteochondrosis is a set of destructive changes of the spine, which is accompanied by damage and rapid destruction of the intervertebral discs. The latter consist of cartilaginous tissue, and therefore susceptible of degeneration under the influence of a wrong load on the spine. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar fixed patients of any age. But at risk included people older than 30 years and patients are always physical labor, sports.

osteohondroz symptoms

One of the most pronounced symptoms of the disease phenomena is a strong pain syndrome, which is accompanied by a limitation in the lumbosacral region. Low back pain often becomes a complication of another disease of the skeleton and entails etnia serious consequences for the spine.


There are four stages of progression of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine:

  1. Characterized by intermittent pain manifested during locomotion. The pain is localized in the lower back and buttocks can be felt tingling in these regions.
  2. In another stage can be diagnosed first marked destructive changes, which include destruction of the annulus, a compression of nerves. Pain syndrome is manifested during exercise, becomes sharp and progressive. Patients feel relieved when bending the body backwards.
  3. The progression of destruction of the fibrous ring leads to the destruction of cartilage and formation of discal hernias. The pain becomes constant and increases with physical activity.
  4. The cartilage continues to deteriorate, the affected areas of the spine are formed pathological growths reduce the functionality of the skeleton. Decreased mobility and flexibility, pain is manifested all the time with different intensity.

As a rule, amenable to treatment only the first stage in the development of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine. Treatment in other situations is a set of measures which slow down destructive processes and improve the health of patients.


Pain in the lumbar region, experienced when bending and other movements, phenomena are the first signs of a destructive disorders. Pain indicates the destruction of the disc and compression of nerve endings. Other symptoms:

  • decrease in pain intensity after finding the torso in a horizontal position;
  • weakness in the lower extremities;
  • leg numbness, loss of tendon reflexes;
  • curvature of the spine in the lumbar region left, right, lordosis and kyphosis.

In the later stages it is also possible incontinence of stool and urine. Pain occurs even with slight exertion (e.g. coughing and sneezing). Partial and full paralysis observed for inoperable degenerative changes.

Accompanying symptoms:

  • numbness and tingling in the lumbar region;
  • the discoloration of the skin in the buttocks, hips, lower back pain, darkening of the skin;
  • the feeling of tension in flexion and extension of the trunk;muscle wasting and reduced activity (often occur as a complication of the disease);
  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • violation of sweating;
  • autonomic disorders caused by changes of blood circulation, lack of nutrition of the tissues with oxygen;
  • the lack (reduction) libido and sexual dysfunction.

Violations of sensitivity is observed, as a rule, directly to lesions. With possible hypersensitivity (increased), anesthesia (decreased sensitivity) and paresthesia (feeling of tingling).

Most often disease are exposed to men because they are more engaged in physical labor. The progression of the disease is faster and the likelihood of sexual dysfunction is several times higher than in women.


Sacral osteochondrosis osteochondrosis otdelaeshsya, symptoms and treatment which is directly depend on the hell stage of progression, is often complicated the main reasons. Not all preconditions and risk factors resolved in the therapeutic period. Accurately identify and determine the set of reasons is also not always possible.

In the list of main causes of lumbar degenerative disc disease, treatment of which may depend on the hell that their definitions included:

  1. Uneven load on vertebral stripped skeleton. Is caused by the upright posture and lack of physiological awareness of the person. Uneven pressure is typical for non-professional athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor.
  2. An increased load. Even with the right approach and the work of the skeleton, muscles and spine possible destructive changes. With increased motor activity of the vertebrae wear out faster and are modified, erased cartilaginous discs and pinch nerve endings. In such situations, the first stages are observed protrusions and hernias, which are then complicated by lumbosacral osteochondrosis, treatment of which is limited and symptomatic relief of symptoms and slow further degradation.
  3. Incorrect posture. As a rule, this phenomenon Java accompanied by an incorrect load distribution on the spine, which leads Dalia and destruction of bone and cartilage. At risk elderly people who have with hours there is a rapid decrease in elasticity of the intervertebral discs.
  4. A sedentary lifestyle. Often combined with poor posture and uneven distribution of loads. Also, Yes, change may cause muscle hypotonia caused by lack of muscle activity. In a constant seated position the spine (especially lower back) is loaded more than usual.
  5. Significant excess weight. Every extra kilogram of weight creates extra pressure on the spine, which might lead to destructive changes of bone and cartilage. If obesity accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle, the risk of having in the treatment of lumbar-sacral spine increases several times.

The main reasons can be complemented by risk factors that increase the likelihood of phenomena, the phenomena of disease and (or) accelerate its development. Among the main factors are:


  • flat feet (due to lack of functionality of feet and the uneven distribution of pressure on the spine stripped);
  • lesions of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, inflammatory process of bone and cartilage, arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteomyelitis;
  • hormonal disturbance diseases of the endocrine system;fatigue, violation of healthy biorhythm;
  • frequent stress and violations of psycho-emotional state.
  • Doctors recommend to pay special attention to lifestyle. Sleep deprivation and stress, poor unbalanced nutrition is more likely to be risk factors for negative catalysts and processes for the spine.


For diagnosis are:

  • history;
  • research status of soft and hard tissues;
  • laboratory studies.

At the first visit, the doctor performs a detailed examination, determines the possible external manifestation of the disease, the presence of curvature and changes in skin sensitivity. In addition, the initial examination is required to determine the localization of the pain syndrome. Distances are:

  1. The x-rays. Runs in the side and rear projection. To determine the presence and magnitude of destruction of bone tissue, to identify the size of the growths (if any).
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging. Allows to determine the localization of damage using multi-angle imaging. Detects soft tissue destruction, inflammation, nerve damage, blood vessels.
  3. CT. As x-rays, gives a visualization of the hard tissues of the spine and back. Allow for closer examination of existing destructive changes.


Osteochondrosis of the lumbar treatment is chosen individually. In the early stages of a possible conservative therapy with maintenance of normal health of the patient. If you seriously esneh destructive changes used surgery.


Attacks of degenerative disc disease is often accompanied by severe pain who require relief. With these purposes using drugs:

  1. Analgesics. Most common: Analgin, Deksalgin, Spazmalgon. Applied in tablet form and also injection.
  2. Chondroprotectors. Phenomena are not drugs, but can maintain the elasticity of cartilage, help restore damage. Yes group of drugs include: Artifleks, symptoms, Glucosamine.
  3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Yes group include: Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen. Help relieve inflammation and ease pain.
  4. Myotropic spasmolytics (Mydocalm). Are used to relieve muscle tension and easing pain.

Additionally, apply anti-inflammatory creams and ointments (the Nimid, Traumeel, Dolobene, Finalgon). Stretching the spine additionally used manipulation, massage and physiotherapy. The house also allowed the use of physical therapy.

treatment of degenerative disc disease

When lumbar osteochondrosis the symptoms and treatment medicines is required only if you experience severe pain and movement disorders. Medicines are needed to relieve inflammation and causes the disease.


When lumbar osteochondrosis the symptoms and treatment at home can be combined only in the early stages at low pain intensity and low negative symptoms of the disease. Surgery is required when serious esneh the growths of bone tissue to partially restore the mobility of the skeleton. Also with the help of surgery removes a herniated disc, destroyed the cartilage discs replaced.


Folk remedies osteochondrosis of the lumbar, the symptoms and treatment of which are closely interrelated, are used to relieve inflammation and pain. The most effective and safe:

  1. Pine bath. Bath must be placed in the water a comfortable temperature three or four sprigs of pine needles. The procedure is recommended before bedtime for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Tincture of horseradish. In equal proportions mix a tablespoon of vodka and the juice of fresh horseradish. RUB painful areas two to three times a day. After each procedure, close the back with a blanket to warm up.
  3. Burdock leaf. Pure leaf of a plant hold it over hot steam for ten minutes, then put it affected the lumbar region. Envelop the waist with a handkerchief or blanket, leave on for one hour.

In the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine the symptoms and treatment important to relate. It is not recommended to use the recipes of traditional medicine as an alternative main course. Allowed use of funds as an auxiliary.


Prevention of osteochondrosis of lumbar oldelpaso-sacral degenerative disc disease, the symptoms and treatment of which is described above, preventable. To prevent the phenomena of disease are required to follow the recommendations:

  • evenly distribute pressure on the skeleton and the spine, to avoid excessive physical labor;
  • properly relate to the hours for sleep and rest s physical exercise;
  • follow the technique of performing exercises during sports;
  • to use the rules menu based on the recommendations of a healthy diet;
  • to prevent excess weight;
  • to take preventive checkups with the surgeon and the neurologist, especially after 30 years;
  • to monitor hormone levels and to monitor the mills of the endocrine system;
  • follow mills posture and, if necessary, perform therapeutic exercise, use massage and manual therapy.


Progressive in the lumbar region low back pain – the result of the wrong load on the spine, disregard of rules of establishment of the posture and technique of performing exercises in sports. With age the risk of illness if these factors increases by reducing the regenerative processes of bone and cartilage tissues. Treatment of osteoarthritis is difficult because the spine is not subjected to full recovery. It is therefore important to carry out prevention and to follow the recommendations of the attending physician.