Osteochondrosis of the cervical symptoms and treatment at home

Cervical degenerative disc disease associated with metabolic disorders in the neck, the muscles and vertebrae. To prevent development of the disease doctors recommend the use of a set of activities which includes drug therapy, various exercises, correct nutrition, massage, physiotherapy.

cervical osteochondrosis

How to cure cervical osteochondrosis at home exercises

The first thing you need to remember when cervical osteochondrosis – a ban on any physical load on the neck in the period of exacerbation of the disease. Only when remission is allowed gradually to include exercises with small amplitude. With the improvement of mill load level can be increased.

The average duration of the exercise program is 10 minutes. All movements should be done in the absence of pain. Soft and smooth load on the muscles, alternating with relaxation. It is recommended to repeat the gymnastics complex daily. The starting position for each exercise: take the standing or sitting posture should be straight.

The main group of exercises:

  • Gently bend the ear and right shoulder. Right hand put on his left temple. Now head to slowly return to normal position, giving the hand a slight resistance. No pains should not be. Repeat the exercise in the other direction.
  • Try to reach the chin and collarbone. In a maximally stretched position to linger for 2-5 seconds.
  • Tilt your head down, arms crossed in the lock and put it on the back of the head. Try to return the head to look forward position, providing hands resistance. The head does not crush by hand. The duration of one approach 5-10 seconds.
  • Each exercise should have 10 repetitions. The complex is suitable for the prevention of low back pain and to restore mobility of the neck at the stage of remission. Regular training leads to tone weakened muscles.

How to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at home diet

Adjustment power supply with cervical osteochondrosis should be directed to the regeneration of cartilage tissue. In diet for osteoarthritis should include the following foods and nutrients:

  • chondroprotectors in sufficient quantity is contained in aspic, gelatin and agar-agar;
  • calcium can be obtained from dairy products, legumes, lettuce leaves and almonds. Remember that for a proper assimilation of this mineral need vitamin D;
  • manganese can take W onions, legumes, egg yolks, cottage cheese and nuts;
  • source of magnesium, which is vital for the stable operation of the whole organism, phenomena are avocado, sunflower seeds, nuts, pumpkin seeds;
  • phosphorus the body absorbs well W fish, soybeans, peas, bran and cabbage;
  • the vitamins contained in legumes, dairy products and nuts;
  • vitamin a is absorbed z raw eggs, pumpkins, melons and carrots;
  • vitamin C can be obtained from all citrus fruits and many vegetables;
  • vitamin D is the easiest to walk under the sun. Our body itself produces it. On cloudy days and in winter it is better to add in the diet of egg products, algae and marine fish.
pain in the neck

To saturate the organism with all necessary nutrients, in the recovery period need to efficiently diversify the diet. In addition to these components of the diet, the diet in osteochondrosis is necessary to include a large amount of fluid, namely, pure water. All tea and coffee drinks doctors recommend replacing filtered water without gas.

From the diet are strongly recommended to remove salt products, it is better to go to a salt-free diet. Salt disrupts the supply of cells with nutrients, which is very dangerous in osteochondrosis.

Sugar and sweet is also prohibited, only exception is honey. Such products violate metabolism in the intervertebral discs.

Canned food, processed foods, carbonated drinks and tonics – all this is strictly prohibited in cervical osteochondrosis. These products leach calcium from the bones, causing complications of the disease.

Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease in home massage

Professional massage with cervical osteochondrosis – effective element of the complex therapy of the disease. Systematic massage can reduce or remove pain and spasms. Thanks to the stimulation of certain areas of the cervical normalizes blood circulation in the affected area of the spine.

There are 3 types of massage:

  • Massage the neck region.
  • Point.
  • The self-massage.

The most effective is the stimulation of the neck area. Which performs the function of massage person begins the process z soft strokes. Distances need to hold the edges of the palms along the spine and chest, good after constrained areas. The final stages of the phenomenon are massaging in a circular kneading motion.

Acupressure is an impact on a number of points. The practice came from Chinese medicine. The good effect of pain relief for degenerative disc disease of the neck provides pressure to the following points:

  • under the occipital bump on the deepening nadavlivanie for 5 – 20 seconds;
  • retreat 2 fingers hell mastoid process, and press for 5 – 10 seconds;
  • hell the first paragraph to retreat 3 fingers and put pressure on for 5 – 10 seconds;
  • find 7 vertebrae and to provide him a pressure effects.

Similar to self-massage technique in stimulating the neck region, but in this case the person massage yourself, without assistance. The advantage of this method phenomena is to control the pain and the pressing force.

The combination of all methods of treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical allows you to quickly obtain good results of the therapy. To minimize the risk of aggravation of the doctors advise to do gymnastics, proper nutrition, self-massage on a regular basis.

treatment folk methods

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis in house conditions

The symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease at home is done under medical supervision. Cervical osteochondrosis — a pathology that affects the intervertebral discs in the cervical vertebrae. Yes, most mobile and most susceptible to the disease but the Department will carry C5, C6 and C7.

Medical indications

The pathology may provoke complications such as periarthritis or cervical osteochondrosis. Phenomenon, the appearance of pain in the arm indicates entrapment of the nerve roots in the 4th and 5th vertebrae. At the initial stage of shoulder osteochondrosis is manifested with aching pain that occur at night. The pain gradually intensified, spreading to the hands or neck.

Osteochondrosis of the shoulder can be cured in a holistic manner. Symptoms and treatment for any disease continuously connected to each other. The main symptoms of osteochondrosis of the neck are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Reflex — acute and sharp pain in the neck that intensifies during movement. The pain is also called lumbago.
  2. Radicular — pain that occur because of compression of nerve endings. They manifest themselves in different areas of the body or in the internal organs.

Patients suffering from cervical degenerative disc disease will experience crushing headaches, which can spread to the area of the temporal lobes or eyeballs. May reduce visual acuity and dizziness. Irritation of the nerve plexus may cause development of syndrome of vertebral artery. It is a mistake to define how disruptions of cerebral circulation accompanied by attack.

With cervical osteochondrosis observed loss of orientation combined with nausea or vomiting. In patients with cervical osteochondrosis are cardiac attacks. These manifestations of the disease occur with other signs, making them easy to distinguish ad symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease in the home quickly carried out in several stages. Pre-provide first aid . It is recommended to perform the following steps:

  1. In the first 24 hours Yes affected area can be ice, but it should be done after consulting a doctor. In all other cases, a sore spot can wrap a woolen scarf.
  2. To sleep on hard surfaces. It is not recommended to lie on the floor, so as not to chill the affected areas.
  3. If the disease is localized in the area of the cervical vertebrae , it is necessary to fix the neck, put a cotton-cardboard splint.
  4. Yes, consultation with a doctor you can take pain reliever.

Low back pain neck phenomenon is seriously significant illness and requires a phased symptomatic treatment. Outpatient and home treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical phenomena are not mutually exclusive, as they have the same mode of action. The main goals of therapy of osteochondrosis of the house are as follows:

  1. The removal of the pain.
  2. Stimulation of the metabolism in the cervical vertebrae.
  3. Building muscle tissues in the neck and shoulders.
  4. Stabilization of blood circulation in the brain.
  5. The return of sensation and improvement of mobility of the spine in the cervical and upper limbs.
  6. Eliminating negative emotions and problems with sleep.

Drug therapy

treatment at home

How to treat cervical degenerative disc disease with medication? To eliminate the pain and inflammation apply an analgesic. Apply chondro — drugs delay the breakdown of cartilage, contributing to its solution.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in house conditions can be carried out with the use of ointments and creams. Active substances which enter into their composition, are not so effective. This is because they do not reach the affected area. However, they are not useless, since their use is massage has a beneficial effect on the cervical vertebrae. When the illness is assigned b vitamins or preparations of complex effect.

Methods of non-drug therapy

Before how to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine non-drug methods, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Yes, these methods include:

  • acupuncture;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • therapeutic exercise;
  • therapeutic massage;
  • manual therapy.

In some cases, massage has a greater impact than medicine. It promotes muscle relaxation, pain relief, improved circulation and metabolic processes in the spine. Exercise in cervical osteochondrosis treatment at home with the help of massage needs an expert.

The procedure should be carried out by your fingers. The rule of the massage: the movement should be smooth and slow, without the application of force. Rubbing and stroking should be carried out in the direction of hell to the vertebral column and the nape. Gentle movements to stretch your side and back muscles of the neck. Procedure should be done in a sitting position, placing the left foot on the right , putting on the knee, the elbow. In this position you can perform massaging motion with his free hand for 10 minutes. How to do it, you can learn by watching the video above.

Acupuncture and gymnastics


Before how to treat cervical degenerative disc disease with acupuncture, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. This procedure is performed at home using special devices (needle massager). In such apparatus are used single or twin needle on the plastic mats. For convenience they can be fixed on Shane roller. To work every day for 30 minutes.

It is possible to treat cervical osteochondrosis in house conditions by means of special exercises. It is recommended to perform the slow head turns 360º, pressing the chin Yes chest, bent his head back. When the patient performs exercises work the following muscle groups:

  • cervical;
  • upper extremities;
  • of the lower extremities.

Each element of therapeutic exercises should be performed smoothly and steadily, with breaks of a few seconds. If during the activity of experiencing pain, discontinue exercises.

How to get rid of the hell of the cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis in house conditions?

To get rid of the hell of the cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis in house conditions it is impossible, the layer of cartilage between the vertebrae is not completely amenable to recovery. If the time to detect the disease and start the treatment of degenerative disc disease will be able to stop the development.

Treatment sufficient for the first stages of the disease, when light exercises, treatment relieves symptoms, improves General condition. If cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis is not corrected at home, you should see a doctor to adjust treatment or to choose other therapy.

honey in the treatment of

Home therapy cervical-thoracic may hurt

If the condition of the spine in osteochondrosis deteriorating, the distortion worsens, there is dizziness, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, severe pain syndrome haunts — pathology enters a difficult stage of development.

We need to stop treating it at home and go to the hospital. The delay increases the risk of fusing the vertebrae to eliminate that need surgically. Ignoring the signs of osteoarthritis will lead to the development esneh serious complications. Treatment at home with the deterioration of the defer and the period of remission.